Medicare Coverage Analysis

compliance billing compliance billing

Research Billing Compliance is a shared responsibility between multiple offices within the University of Miami.  The Office of Research Administration Pre Award Team provides expertise related to:

  • Ensuring that the University of Miami has an appropriate understanding of its cost structure and research procedure rates as it relates to its clinical research program;
  • Preparing accurate Medicare Coverage Analysis in accordance with the Clinical Research Participant Enrollment and Tracking Policy so that the University of Miami can bill appropriately, effectively, and compliantly for clinical research tests and procedures; and
  • Providing finalized Medical Coverage Analysis for incorporation into the University of Miami clinical trials management and billing systems.
  • Please follow this guidance document on how to submit a new MCA (Medicare Coverage Analysis) Agreement to ORA through IBIS: IBIS Submission Guidance-MCA Agreement

Please contact the Office of Research Administration if you have any questions regarding the above.